The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission is shaping the future of farms and food through farmland preservation, extensive support for regional farmers, and programs to help consumers find the farms they need. Find out more at SMADC.com.
About the Historic Horse Trails
The Southern Maryland Historic Horse Trail is a joint project of the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) and the Maryland Horse Industry Board (MHIB). The Southern Maryland Trail is one of a network of heritage trails across the state that highlights the contribution of horses to Maryland’s history and culture. Photos, anecdotes and other site information collected for this project will become part of a statewide catalog documenting the role of horses in Maryland’s history.
The Southern Maryland Trail features stories and sites in Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s and St. Mary’s counties* that illustrate the role of horses in the region’s past. The centerpiece of the project is a mapped, self-guided trail of documented, equine-related destinations throughout the region that will offer historical insight and educational opportunities. In addition to the online version of the Trail, a printed guidebook will be published in conjunction with SMADC’s Equine Directory in fall of 2016.
The Southern Maryland Horse History Trail supports SMADC’s ongoing mission to promote the horse industry in Southern Maryland, as well as all farms throughout the region.
The state-wide Maryland Historic Horse Trails project was initiated by the Maryland Horse Industry Board, which has provided a grant for the development and initial distribution of the guide and website, and maintains the main Maryland Historic Horse Trails website at www.mdhistorichorsetrails.com.
*SMADC’s mission and programs generally encompass all five Southern Maryland counties; however, for this initiative, Anne Arundel County will produce a separate trail. Please contact Ross Peddicord at The Maryland Horse Industry Board (ross.peddicord@maryland.gov or 410-841-5798) for more information on the Anne Arundel Horse History Trail.
Image above courtesy of Linda Epstein, www.lindamepstein.com.